Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.13.0 (2019-02-20)
- ✨ allow users to leave feedback (1e03cd4)
1.12.0 (2019-02-20)
Bug Fixes
- 💄 fix image size for mobile devices (858f47c)
- ✨ add "Read next" section (4b282fb)
1.11.0 (2019-02-19)
Bug Fixes
- 🐛 add intersection-observer. fixes #75 #79 #80 #82 (8417dad)
- 💄 increase image size; center it (9cc3fd3)
- 💩 use correct property (3391c6d)
- ✨ add ability to report bugs in cloud function (97b061f)
- ✨ add comments with new user agents where issue were reproduced (3ba0844)
- ✨ add disqus comments (0980ba9)
- ✨ add error boundary with automatically reports an issue on catch (a7fe597)
- ✨ prevent issues duplication in cloud function (dd50e5c)
1.10.0 (2019-01-26)
Bug Fixes
- 💄 add expander for skills; extract Skills component (098716d)
- 💄 animate skills (a66b603)
- 💄 do not display blog timeline on mobile devices (6a534df)
- ✨ show tooltip with entities where skill was mentioned on click to badge (225ff63)
- add slug fields to portfolio projects and videos; use them as DOM ids to be able to scroll to them (6d9f562)
1.9.0 (2019-01-23)
- 🐴 make load codesandbox iframes lazily (7999d4c)
1.8.0 (2019-01-22)
- ✨ 💄 highlight code with prismjs; transform codesandbox links to iframe (35ab6af)
- ✨ add facebook like button (136f7a1)
- ✨ do not show blog post drafts (aaa1dc8)
1.7.0 (2019-01-16)
Bug Fixes
- 💄 add paddings to main pages content for tablets (5a0ed6f)
- 💄 make tooltip to appear according to its placement; add scale to its animation (613bf61)
- ✨ add link to RSS feat (875a4e6)
- ✨ resolve #7 - add "Report about typo/mistake" feature for blog posts (d147f4b)
- ✨ show "tweet" tooltip when blog post text selected (56178c2)
1.6.0 (2019-01-13)
Bug Fixes
- 🐛 fix header images flickering (layout component unmounting) (17c17d0)
- 🐛 remove redundant slash from siteUrl (b5aa304)
- 💩 rename collection of videos to "Videos" (9aaec5e)
- ✨ implement time to read (1087196)
- 🌐 add schema org for blog post (5550f11)
- 💄 filter posts by selected tag (043c396)
- 💄 highlight selected tag (a560ea4)
- 💄 make blog nav link active on blog post pages (1b5070f)
- 💩 add alt to blog images (0ba333c)
- 💩 display blog images (b7f8fb0)
- ✨ add blog post page (e4707de)
- ✨ add blog snippets (57b365c)
- ✨ add RSS feed for blog posts (6c1f456)
- ✨ pull blog posts from contentfull (a623b05)
- ✨ sort blog posts by date (dea2157)
- :spy: add more meta tags (7824a4c)
- :spy: add page titles (c814508)
- :spy: add schema org (8a6c1ec)
- :spy: add schema org for portfolio (4331f83)
- :spy: add schema org for videos; retrieve contentDetails from youtube (5cc7cb7)
1.5.0 (2018-12-23)
- ✨ add sitemap (a8a8b30)
- ✨ change site favicon (4cb222b)
- ✨ resolve #6 - change domain to (8af6e9b)
1.4.0 (2018-12-20)
Bug Fixes
- ssr: 🐛 check if window exists (54ab347)
- 🐛 make customer, description and participation optional fields (b18ae6b)
- 💄 add hover effect to badge (a9e152f)
- ✨ display number of skill mentions (in portfolio and talks) on about page (dda6f6e)
- ✨ display project in iframe if it has url (981ca44)
1.3.0 (2018-12-16)
Bug Fixes
- 🐛 use reduce instead of flatMap (nodejs doesn't support it) (5396901)
- 🐴 use webp (362e809)
- 💄 adapt header for mobile (d99bf17)
- ✨ add google analytics (65c9494)
- ✨ resolve #5 - list skills from projects and talks on about page (df1ae3d)
- ✨ sort skills by last usage also (ae02c0f)
1.2.0 (2018-12-15)
- ✨ 💄 resolve #3 - add shields to about page (fd4d1f8)
- ✨ build and deploy by travis! (8d90ae1)
- ✨ integration with contentful - pull projects from it (9a89ccc)
- ✨ pull about page from contentful (1b291f5)
- ✨ pull public activities (videos) from contentful (00075fc)
1.1.0 (2018-12-04)
Bug Fixes
- 🐛 fix repo url (c79ffe2)
- 💄 ✨ add info about version to footer; add link to changelog to footer (8b9c98c)
- ✨ add changelog page (7017d47)
1.0.0 (2018-12-04)
Bug Fixes
- 🐛 add typography to production build (2a6af49)
- 🐛 styled-components ssr (update deps) (d63f5f1)
- social links: remove extra padding (8f2f93d)
- 🐛 update video rect on scroll (5fff167)
- add padding to page for mobile version (003243d)
- add slash to links (9160d57)
- 💄 add fancy header (5a520a0)
- 💄 add footer (df04073)
- 💄 add youtube play button (4b33a8f)
- 💄 change header (cd7b7e0)
- 💄 load thumbnail according to screen resolution (fe75e5a)
- 💄 style technologies (2f5a635)
- ✨ add "Public activity" page (7ae056c)
- ✨ add border to header (7778d48)
- ✨ add header with navigation (77b35d0)
- ✨ add projects info (1ec327b)
- ✨ move social icons to header, add icons (763e2ea)
- add changelog generation (4ed0715)
- add some info about me (be81843)
- social links: 💄 add hover animation (53cab83)
- rename past projects to portfolio (7cbad64)
- sort project by end date; change date format; add one more project (cfe6450)
- sort videos by date; add new video (71ba65e)